Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Some commonly used products for cleaning fiber optics

Though the idea of fiber optics may sound quite contemporary and belonging to 21st century, but a fact that many people are not aware of is that this super-fast telecommunication technology has its roots way back in the year 1790. The concept is quite primitive and old.

The basic principles of this miraculously fast technology was experimented back then by Claude Chappe when he first experimented with optical fiber in a telegraphic concept but failed. It was later in the year 1840, that two scientists namely Jacques Babinet and Daniel Colladon first explained its principle, through an experiment that involved protecting light from reflection. Since then, fiber technology has bloomed at a lightning fast speed that now serves as the backbone of telecom industry.

In addition to providing fast data transmission, numerous industries are making excellent use of optical fibers such as internal medical examination, dentistry and countless others. However, to keep this technology running smoothing without any interruptions, it is very essential to keep fiber optic connectors clean.

The reason behind cleaning optics is that data flows in the form of light signals which cannot be transmitted if fiber cables are not clean. Even the slightest of dirt, dust particles or stain can cause huge signal distraction. To ensure clean fibers, fiber optic cleaning products should be used. Although, there are various equipment in the market for fiber optic cleaning purpose, but some of the most popular methods has been discussed below. Take a look:

  • Compressed gas – This technique of cleaning fiber optic connectors is quite similar to a canned air. It blows out dust and rubbish from the end of connector. But there is one drawback of this technique. The drawback is that it fails to remove dust particles which are less than 3 microns in size.
  • Air free solvents and wipes – The main purpose of this method is to remove the dirt particles off the fiber connector by using a special cloth, solvent or lens paper. The most commonly used solvent is IPA that dries off the cables without hampering the signal. The major limitation of this technique is that its success of usage depends on the skills and expertise of technician performing the cleaning.
  • Swabs: It is a specially designed instrument for cleaning fiber optic and is used very commonly. Although this is also a good technique to clean fiber connectors, but this one also has certain limits of usage.
  • Ferrule cleaner (AFC 3000) is the most advanced instrument used till now used by professionals. When it comes to cleaning delicate stuff like fiber optics, it is best suggested to take help of professional fiber optic testing and cleaning company.

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